Crystal Reiki

Crystal Reiki 60 minutes – $90

Reiki is a universal, omni-present, non physical energy that gives life to every living organism. It works on the body, mind and spirit by stimulating your own natural healing abilities.

Reiki can:

Remove energetic blockages and balance the energy flowing through your energetic systems.

Help resolve emotional/spiritual issues like grief, resentment, poor self-esteem, etc.

Provide energetic support for physical, spiritual and emotional issues.

Unlock the body’s optimum capabilities, stimulates growth, health, life and healing.

A full Reiki Treatment:

Reopens the chakras and rebalances the flow of the universal life force around your body. Each chakra is responsible for supplying energy to specific parts of the body.

Stimulates your body’s immune system and natural healing abilities, the body begins cleansing itself of toxins.

4 full treatments on 4 consecutive days is normally recommended to boost the flow of Reiki energy.

Crystals, Sound and Hands-on Healing:

When certain energies are in proximity to the human body, the body starts to vibrate in the same frequency as that energy. Crystals vibrate at their own frequency and are placed on the 7 main chakras running through your body. Sound healing therapy improves physical and emotional well-being and my hands emit an energy frequency associated with physical healing. Please note that this is a hands-on treatment, I do not hover my hands. Reiki is an intelligent energy and it will go where it is needed regardless of where I place my hands and/ or regardless of where you “think” you need it. I do not and will not control this session, I channel Reiki and we go with the flow to allow the spiritual consciousness to restore vitality.

A note from Christine:

I love Reiki!!!!!! I channel Reiki everyday, morning and evening to our gorgeous planet, during and after natural disasters or traumatic events and I channel Reiki for healing of all the animals incarnated with us. Its amazing, I can send Reiki anywhere!! Light and Love!!

“If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” -Nikola Tesla